Monday, November 23, 2009

It's The Simple Amusements That Are The Most Fun!

So, I played a good joke on Bobby the dog today. 

Bobby is the doggie Kerri, Hope and I are dog sitting for 6 weeks.  We are at the half-way point of the dogsitting which is good.  We are lucky that Bobby is an elderly dog.  We don't have to do to much for him except the occasional walk and pee run.  The rest of the time, he sleeps.  Well, mostly.  Yes he does try to run through the back sliding doors to chase Spock, the stray cat that seems to have adopted our property.  Yes he does try to chase Speckle and Tate (but never Bob the cat!).

We are really not dog people.  Dogs are waaaay to much work.  Consequently though, we aren't use to some of the funny dog behaviours that go on.  We found out the other week that Bobby runs to the door and barks after a doorbell.  Well, that is normal of course but what we didn't think about was that Bobby will run to the door after a doorbell on TV or if I audio tape the door bell and play it at the back door, lol (I showed my mom the audio taped version and of doorbell just now.  Bobby went bananas, lol). 

Kerri and I have been told that we have waaaay too much time on our hands but we do like to have a bit of fun with Bobby now and again, lol.  It was her funnay idea to audio tape the doorbell sound.  I also have a lot of funny twitter quips that were inspired by Kerri.  She is a good sport in all this stuff.

It is wonderful to find things to laugh about even if some of the giggles are simple and silly.  I do find this dog behaviour amusing.  I'm sure dog owners find it annoying though, lol.

It is a bit worrisome that if Bobby is barking for the doorbell on TV then he will wake me up if Kerri or Hope are watching TV and the doorbell rings after I have gone to bed.  I am a really light sleeper.  This hasn't happened as of yet though, phew!

Anywhoo, I had a good session with Haley my therapist, today.  We had our hour long session over the phone.  I still can't drive anywhere due to my anxiety etc.  It's so awesome I can have have a session when I am practically a shut-in (I went to the store today with Kerri driving but could hardly breathe!)

With Haley, I was talking about a mile a minute about all the problems I am having dealing with my case-manager, Jenn.  I felt totally validated when Haley told me it sounded like Jenn was acting condescending towards me.  I felt so too but I couldn't come up with a word that so perfectly described the way I felt.

Yes, I did feel put down, stupid, and like a child by Jenn's behaviour.  It feels so good to now know that I am not alone thinking this!  Jenn is actually calling me tommorrow morning for a phone check-in.  I'm expecting things will go OK meaning I won't engage in any battles.  Jenn is refusing to take me shopping, I know that.  I do hope to smooth things over though....time will tell...

1 comment:

  1. Jenn probably thinks she would be encouraging this behaviour if she agreed. She's supposed to be helping you get better!
