Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tweets Amuse Me...

Today is an OK day.  I'm just chilling as I do everyday being stuck at home and loving it, lol...I'm pretty tired though.  I was nervous about today's meeting with my case-manager, Jenn, last night, I suppose and kept waking up.

I still am having the on-going difficulties of sleeping at night.  It is a loud house for someone who is as light a sleeper as I am. Kerri is a lot better at being quiet at night, but during the week her alarm wakes me up at 6:30am (if I'm lucky enough to sleep in that late).  Today I fell asleep at 11:20pm.  I could still hear Kerri's daughter Hope's music blarring for her bedroom in the basement below, but I guess my tireness wore out.  Then, I kept waking up in the night and I can't blame it on the cats this time.  Fun times!

So, I had my meeting with Jenn but neither of us touched on the difficulties we are having with each other.  It was like there was nothing wrong at all.  I guess I am suppose to just forget about our issues.  Sad though because we use to be able to work everything out.  

I feel kinda empty now.  I will have to get use to this though, I suppose. So I guess now we can just be like good friends????  Weirdness.  But I am stable enough not to carry on the rage war as I would have in the past.  If something stirs me up then I just take my calming remedy or just STOP!  I think it's a good thing though - the new.  I have work to do but this will come in time...

My new mission in life is finding kewl folks I can follow on twitter.  Well, I do need things to amuse myself with, lol.  I'm not a big games person so...Are you one of those kewl folk?  I am so picky though (shhhhh). 

I'm not interested in someone who posts a lot of links.  I want to just quickly read the 2 lines we are allowed to transcribe and then run back to my TV program, lol.  Well, something like that.  Ya know, I must be retired or something. 

I'm most interested in people and peoples thoughts on life or whatever. 

I read tweets to see if they interest me of course but interest is subjective.  I like people to tweet often enough to catch my interest.  Deep thoughts, inspiration or humour helps. 

I like seeing new tweets every other day or more often but not over 5 on a single day.  Some people just go banana's, lol, but this is rare....

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