Thursday, October 22, 2009

Achoooo! Or Not....

I believe it did it!

I out witted the lasted cold floating around the house. This is the 3rd since July! I have been taking 2000 mg of vitamin C for a few days now.

I happened to read off of my homeopath Terrance's blog about the vitamin C thingy. I really thought too much vitamin C wasn't a good thing but it seems to help on an as needed basis ie. at the onset of symptoms or after you know you have been close to a person with a cold. Talk to your doc if you have any concerns of course...

This cold was a pretty bad one. I feel like we should be naming our household colds like we do hurricanes. They cause quite a mess sometimes and we are having so many ;-)...

Hope has been home from school for a couple days. When we had our 2 other cold 'infestations', we all got infected but were able to walk around and function. Kerri seems to have the best immune system in the house. She didn't get a trace of the bug this round and was does not take supplements (although she just coughed a few times...oh no :-o!).

Terrance's blog says that a cold can occasionally be translated as unexplained grief. 'Occasionally' they say, hmmm...well I have had grief my whole life seems like with my lifetime history of depression. My immune system is generally much stronger though so maybe stuff is coming out homeopathically? Who knows?????

I didn't usually catch my mom's colds when I lived with my folks because she would walk around with a mouth and nose mask on like one on I am wearing in the pic on the left.

I'm sure I get snickers or rolled eyes when I mention this idea to Kerri but it works! It's a good idea to throw out the mask and get a new one each day (and if you need to take off the mast and blow your nose, wash your hands immediately before you touch anything!). Otherwise the mask can get moist and the germs may go though the barrier.

I heard germs infect you the most when touching your nose.

Kerri tells me we should always wash our hands first thing when we come in from being anywhere in public. I have to admit I don't do this but it is a good idea.

Carrying around hand sanitizer with you works too! I use to feel less worried taking the bus when I was in the city because if someone so much as sneezed or coughed I would use it and oh the power that gave me! And I didn't get sick :-D. If you want to be really cautious you could use hand sanitizer each time you get off the bus. I did not do that.

They make hand sanitizers so small now you can put them discreetly in your pocket or purse. They last a long time too as you only need the smallest dab on your hands and the liquid sanitizer spreads out evenly...

You can pick up masks or hand sanitizers at the drugstore. Not sure if they all sell stuff like that but, ya know...

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