Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Wanna Be A Techie, Yes I do!

I had a phone check-in with Mary, my case-manager's boss, this afternoon. Mary said I sounded 'different'. I asked her what she meant by that. Mary said that in the past when I have been in a depression I am angry but this time I seem calmer. Yep the remedy is working :-D.

I have been mildly amusing myself for the past week learning about web design from this site: http://www.w3schools.com/. Web design seems like a highly technical art. I guess I should have figured...I got this site from my friend Werner. He knows all about stuff like this...for me I have a lot to learn.

My friend Daria is currently taking a computer class at University so I think this is what got me to start looking into further into the site. Werner had given me this site a couple of months back and I took one look at it was didn't know where to begin. It kind of freaked me out actually. It's wasn't English as I knew it!

I am getting the biggest kick of doing examples. I just memorize the sequencing of the letters and strikes etc. and then I type in the codes and the page comes out properly if I do each step right. It's very gratifying. I can type in whatever heading or paragraph I choose. Usually I add something silly and ridiculous (of course peeps this is just me!!!). Then I get a little giggle out of it afterwards...

If I do take the course in web design that I want too this January (an on-line course) then maybe I will no doubt know what is going on in the web design world (at least a little). I would love to have my own blog site one day. I could also work helping others to put together a web-page from home.

I had no idea it was so technical to make a web page but I am up for a challenge. I worked hard in school. I was terribly depressed during my teen years and even earlier and but I saw school as an escape. I also saw it as a ticket to a great future! I was a bit of a nerd I guess, lol...I skillfully avoided taking a computer class through out my whole grade school years to my knowledge. To mathematical, I feared. Math was my worst subject!

All I used computers for back in grade school was to write word documents and play games. Aww yes, those computer games! Today I couldn't be bothered with them (except scrabble on Facebook, lol)...

In 'my day,' (20 years ago) there was no Internet around as far as I was aware of. My mom limited my bother and I to an hour of TV a day. So we had to find other stuff to do to amuse ourselves, like homework :-D.

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