Sunday, August 16, 2009

How Cats Amuse Me...

I am feeling much better today!

Today is another shopping day and I am a bit dreading it as Kerri, Hope and I are going to Costco. Costco is a huge warehouse type store with a lot of walking involved. My knee has been giving me problems for over 2 months now and I don't like walking far because it starts to ache. I have seen a doctor and a physiotherapist and they both can feel nothing wrong and say I must have sprained it (doing the half lotus pose in yoga). I do have a magnetic tensor but I try not to use it unless necessary. I have another doctor appointment to see if I need an x-ray on it on August 26th. I am hoping I don't need an x-ray and that I can get help though homeopathy although homeopathy is sooo slow....but it can help. My homeopathy is cool with me having the x-ray since this has been going on for so long and he wasn't really aware of the gravity of the situation. I will get new homeopathic remedies in 2 days to treat it though so maybe, just maybe, I won't need that x-ray. If I get the x-ray I will need to be detoxed off of it though and that means I may get huge anger or feel's very weird and I'm quiet sensitive but then I am trying to heal my life with alternative methods so let's see what happens....

Kerri and I had a bit of a fright last evening as this skunk smell wafted into our house even though the windows and doors were all shut. My cat Speckle was out and we were worried that she got sprayed!!!! Fortunately Speckle came in a few hours later unscathed, phew! She knows better then to mess with a skunk!

And finally I do want to show you how cats amuse me. Last evening Tate was helping Kerri make the bed...See how he is intensely looking at the moving sheet...too funny!

Here is Tate with his claws in the sheet...if you pull the sheet he will drag along with it! Tate is 9 months old...he's a cutie if you like cats!

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