Monday, August 10, 2009

Awww - To Move Or Not To Move....

When I moved in with Kerri I thought everything would be OK. I thought, "Here I am living with the first person I have ever been in love with. Isn't life great????" NOT!

We had been trying to get a hold of her landlord for 2 weeks but were advised by the sub landlord that if I made the move official her rent wouldn't change. Now the landlords have materialized from their summer vacation and want to increase the rent. This means that Kerri, myself and Hope will likely be soon in the process of moving (for myself that's moving again). There is one last hope though that the landlords will change there mind. They will give us the final word on Wednesday or Thursday...

My step-dad Jim says I can always move back with him and my mom but Kerri really wants me to stay. I am sooo happy being about to cuddle and hug my honey whenever I want. I told Kerri it will all work out even if we have to live in a box out in the woods, lol...Sometimes we have too many expectations what 'should be'. We need to let go of those expectations that are too rigid....I did when I moved in with Kerri. I love her so I made sacrifices and yet I am the furthest thing from miserable....

I just want to hug and cuddle Kerri...We will work this thing out will all work out. Things always do even if it sometimes takes a bit of patience and flexibility...

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