Saturday, September 26, 2009

ALSO Race Day!

Oh what a day! A good one though. Today Alternative Learning Styles and Outlooks (ALSO)( had their 5th annual book race. Here is a pic of Kerri all ready to start!

The racers started at 10am and returned 4 hours later Kerri returns with her team of 4 cursing me for not telling her how competitive this race was....oops! I have never raced in ALSO's Book Race but I knew there was some competition. I guess it is up to the team on how much competition they want (and when they are famished enough to return to Stanley Park for the end of race bbq lunch!

I do the volunteer work. The cooking and set-up and a bit of take down...I arrived at 8:30am in Stanley Park and was told I could leave if I was getting tired at 3:30pm. I jumped at the opportunity to flee as I was stressed and tired not use to being so busy for so long!

I have been volunteering at ALSO for 4 years now but this year I met some of the staff's family members for the first time. I also saw a staff who was on maternity leave and her new baby...It was sooo cool!

I am glad that the sun shone all day. For the next 4 days rain is scheduled with zero sunlight....oh joys! I am thankful for my S.A.D lamp as it seems to be helping this year!

Tonight I am just ready to unwind! I feel tension in my back and body....yeah I just gotta chill now!

I'm proud of Kerri; her daughter Hope and the other two ladies on their team! They had an awesome time! Woohoo!

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